Many students struggle throughout their schooling careers to maintain focus on their school work while dealing with a lot of stressful events occurring in life. Many students see their grades majorly affected due to attempting to do school work in a stressful environment. Math is a very mind consuming subject that needs more attention and focus than many other subjects. Math you need to be able to think fast with formulas and know how to solve problems in your head without allowing other thoughts and daydreams to interrupt your thought process. I myself am guilty of trying to focus on math work and tests while being highly stressed out causing my grades to be very poor and not reflect my true knowledge of the subject. The advice that I can give to many other students attempting to work under these conditions is find a way to relieve stress. Whether that is dancing, singing, writing, scream out loud, crying, running, or blowing bubbles relieve your stress before trying to do school work of any sort especially math. You will see a great difference in how you feel and the way you perform in class and on your work. Your grades will increase and reflect your true abilities in the classroom. Another great way to relieve stress is to study in a group and talk to your peers about what is weighing on your mind. Learn how to vent and control stress; do not let your stress control you. If you are trying to do work and your mind wanders off due to stress close your eyes take a few deep breathes and focus on relaxing once you feel relaxed open your eyes and try to do your work again this should clear your thoughts and allow you to focus on what you need to know for that problem. It is important to embrace stress when it comes because every student will face stress while in school several times and they need to overcome this stress in order to succeed. Math itself can cause stress to those who do not work well with numbers and formulas with this subject and they need to overcome this stress in order to succeed. With this students can seek help with a tutor or find someone to talk to about this subject and find some of their strong points and weaknesses If you are stressed and are receiving grades below average for your work do not feel discouraged, find a way to relieve stress, and try to clear your mind while in class doing work if you can do this you will be successful in bringing your grades back up to where you would like for them to be. It is important to keep a clear mind while doing work so that you can maintain a high grade point average if you get a low grade due to stress this will reflect into your grade point average and will not truly reflect your capabilities.
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